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Usa: se Nordcorea fa test missilistico, possibile azione militare

(FILES) This file photo taken on April 15, 2017 shows an unidentified rocket displayed during a military parade marking the 105th anniversary of the birth of late North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung in Pyongyang. Before tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians marched before him, along with some of the most fearsome weapons at his command, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and his audience were shown portraits of his grandfather and father. / AFP PHOTO / Ed JONES / To go with NKOREA-POLITICS-DIPLOMACY-FESTIVAL, FOCUS by Sebastien Berger


New York, 24 apr. (askanews) – Un altro test missilistico da parte della Corea del Nord potrebbe spingere gli Usa all’azione militare, anche se la parola finale spetta al presidente Donald Trump. L’avvertimento arriva da Nikki Haley, ambasciatrice americana all’Onu.

“Non abbiamo intenzione di fare nulla a meno che ci dia ragioni di fare qualcosa”, ha detto facendo riferimento al leader di Pyongyang, Kim Jon-un.

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